The founder of the law firm is Damjan Merhar, MSc. We have been an independent law firm since 2011, but with extensive experience both in the state administration and in administrative procedures, in various courts (in various legal procedures), and previously in legal practice.

The lawyer Damjan Merhar, who holds an MSc in legal sciences, is building a law firm with a goal that is fully and constantly improved, namely, to work with clients in every concrete case on the basis of personal approach and as promptly, professionally and comprehensively as possible in all legal fields throughout the entire Republic of Slovenia.

In addition to the lawyer, the personnel of the lawyer’s office also include a person who takes care of the urgently needed regulated administration, while at the same time improving professionally by working as an attorney trainee. The law office operates and improves daily, constantly striving to successfully complete its mission in various fields of law: civil, commercial, criminal, labour, social, administrative, etc. If you need prompt and professional legal counselling and representation – directly in relationships with other individuals or with legal persons or in relations through competent courts or administrative authorities, etc. – we are always available. In any case, to prevent is better than to cure, therefore we are dedicated to the preventive solution and elimination of legal complications in advance, before a judicial or administrative dispute occurs. In this regard, we are available for introductory, acquaintance meeting with a possibility of an intensified collaboration later on. For your general questions and guidelines, we are also available through the website.

We represent clients on the basis of authorization and various agreements (contractual), ex officio (we are included in the list of lawyers who provide attorney services ex officio, for example, in criminal proceedings; we are also on the list of lawyers for temporary representation, representation of minors, etc.) and also on the basis of free legal aid (the law firm is also on the list of lawyers who offer free legal aid in accordance with the law).