Labour law is a law governing the rules and principles of employment relationships. It covers individual labour law that regulates the conclusion of an employment relationship, the rights and obligations of parties in an employment relationship, liabilities in employment and termination of employment, and collective labour law governing employer and workers’ organizations, collective bargaining, collective labour disputes and employee participation in management. Social law is in close connection with labour law, i.e., social security law, while at the same time transcending labour law, as every member of society (not just an employee in an employment relationship) has the right to adequate social security. In particular, it covers pension and disability insurance, health care and insurance, unemployment insurance, social security and child and family care.

The lawyer obtained an MSc in civil and commercial law, from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana. Furthermore, he spent ten years working in various courts and dealt extensively in legal practice. He represents employers and employees – workers, both out of court (procedures for termination of employment contracts, dismissal procedures, disciplinary proceedings, etc.) and in labour and social courts, as well as in mediation procedures. Representation covers, in particular, civil proceedings concerning (non-)legality of termination of employment, (non-)payment of income and other rights, the assertion of various social and labour rights, etc.